#LET'S HEAL- Together
In the next 10 to 15 sessions, I will be guiding you step by step through the lenses of Psychology, Neuropsychology, Mind Tricks & Perceptions. I will depend on my 17 years of experience & the insights I have learned from treating people who have been emotionally abused & with broken self-esteem. The participants and I will be there in your journey of rebuilding your self-esteem and emotional healing process.
Often we listen from people and also within our minds people saying from inside our head that always scolds us by asking.
"Why did you do that?"
"Why did you say that?"
We were often telling our minds that
""Nothing I ever do is right."
"I'm never good enough."
Sometimes we feel like screaming - Shut up! Leave me alone!
Many of us focus much of our time on how to look more attractive. We reminded in our minds that there is always something that needs to be changed or improved.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself; every-one of us struggle from time to time with self-critical thoughts. Some of us have such low self-esteem that we were never satisfied with our achievements. We have a relentless inner critic who continually tears us down and robs us of any satisfaction we might temporarily feel when we have reached a goal.
Keeping the challenges in mind, we are bringing a unique program in dealing with Emotions & Low Self Esteem.
Healing Emotions Through Self Awareness
Helping to Raise Self-Esteem, Quell Inner Critic, and Overcoming Guilt & Shame (10+5 Online Sessions)
Session 1.
Sunday 29 March 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Self-Awareness & better understanding of it
Session 2.
Wednesday 1 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
All about Being Objective.
Session 3.
Friday 3 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Ways of Developing Objectivity enhancing Self-Awareness.
Session 4.
Sunday 5 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Let's Understand Meaning in Life & It's Challenges.
Session 5.
Wednesday 8 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
How Meaning Arises
Session 6.
Friday 10 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Finding (Nemo) Meaning in Life.
Session 7.
Sunday 12 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Helping Others find their Meaning
Session 8.
Wednesday 15 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
How Parents Shape Our Self-Esteem, Self-Image, & Body Image.
a. How Our Parents Build Our Lenses
b. Our Bodies Our Lense
Session 9.
Friday 17 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Shattering Distorted Parental Lenses
a. Rejecting Parents' Negative Reflection
b. Separating from Parents Emotional Lenses
c. Quieting and Countering Inner Critic
Session 10.
Sunday 19 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Creating New Lenses
a. Looking Deeper through Lenses: Discovering the Real Self
b. Rebuilding What You Missed as a Child
c. Learning to Love Your Body & Self
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If you want to continue further, You're Welcome to join for the below individual sessions.
Session 11.
Wednesday 22 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
If You Were Neglected, Rejected, or Abandoned: Let's start the healing process
Session 12.
Friday 24 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
If You Were Overprotected or Emotionally Smothered by Parents: Let's Build Self-Reliance
Session 13.
Sunday 26 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
If You Were Overly Controlled or Terrorised: Let's Break Free & Have Freedom
Session 14.
Wednesday 29 April 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
If You Had Overly Critical, Shaming, / Perfectionistic Parents: Let's Make Life More Joyful Session 15.
Friday 01 May 2020. TIME 1900 to 2030 Hrs
Reviewing and Building Support Group
Our Clinic Address
A-179, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017
Our Contact to send Whatsapp Messages
+91 9717114477
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Resource Person : John Victor
Click here to see Linkedin Profile