Creativity Not Encouraged By Society | Psychologist Explains Work-life balance, logic vs emotion, passion vs conventional job, science vs arts field of study: society has frequently tried to delve into such debates, as can be seen by the numerous songs, movies, or even day-to-day banter. The majority of the time the former prevails, security is preferred over uncertainty. Sometimes, people even look down on those who choose to think otherwise, using them as cautionary tales that dissuade youngsters from taking the same route. Ever wondered why?
The Advent of Online Counseling For Mental Health This article addresses the uncertainty and lack of familiarity associated with virtual forms of counseling/psychotherapy to make online counseling a more plausible, accessible, and informed mental healthcare option when needed.
Why are Women expected to be ‘Modest’ and ‘Chaste’? Madonna-Whore complex is a logical fallacy that sees women as either god-like or prostitutes, loving the first and desiring the second — though never intertwining them both and recognizing the fluidity in sensuality. Breaking free from this may be the first step towards humanizing women, hopefully treating them as equals in the future.
ALL ABOUT GRIT Posted below is an article that describes grit, a personality trait, characteristics of gritty people, and the techniques for fostering grit in others.
Physiological Effects of Chronic Stress And Management We all are aware of the behavioral symptoms of stress. But do we know the physical effects of stress? This article will help you understand the physiological effects of chronic stress.
Thinking Out of the Box - Does It Make Life Easier ? Learning is indispensable for survival, and following mental sets may also help us get our tasks done easily and quickly. However, mental rigidity might make us fixated on repetitive behavior involving learning from the past rather than focussing on newer, perhaps, more useful solutions.
What is Stress, how it affects our body and how to deal with. Stress is a normal human reaction that all of us experience in our life. For a child, losing a new eraser can bring about stress, exam stress for students, the stress in a marriage, and work for young adults. For aging adults, sudden changes, health concerns can cause stress. In addition to some everyday stressors, the current pandemic has forced people to accept changes brought by COVID lockdown restrictions and adjust to the 'new normal.
What makes us human? Hard problem of consciousness” To rekindle curiosity with the joy of learning something new
Feed for the brain; Can we download consciousness?
''The Pandora box; Microtubules, I dance on the edge of classical and the quantum.''
Best thing in life: Do what makes you feel good! And while the pandemic hit us hard, Mandala helped me grow through the phase. This is a short article, a very brief note on how the art of Mandala has helped me and how much it is important to have something that makes you feel good.
To have a hobby.
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